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Basic funding

40 per cent of our budget is sustained by the basic funding of the German “Land” of Thüringen. With this “institutional funding” we finance our strategic actions which include in-house preliminary research and our scientific-technical infrastructure. This serves our aim of maintaining and continuously enhancing our nationally and internationally innovative capabilities, regardless of economic cycles. With our research and development activities, we not only contribute to the competitiveness of Thüringen and other states within Germany, but also throughout Europe. We also constantly provide valuable input for the strengthening of technological performance, acceptance of cutting-edge techniques and for the training and encouraging of much-needed future scientists and engineers.

Funded projects

The following projects give an overview of funded work currently presented at

European Regional Development Fund

The following projects are or were funded by the German “Land” of Thüringen and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; German: EFRE). (Funding period 2007-2013)

European Regional Development Fund

The following projects are or were funded by the German “Land” of Thüringen and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; German: EFRE). (Funding period 2014-2020)

European Regional Development Fund

The following projects are or were funded by the German “Land” of Thüringen and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; German: EFRE). (Funding period 2014-2020)

European Social Fund

The following projects are or were funded by the German “Land” of Thüringen and the European Regional Development Fund (ESF). (Funding period 2007-2013)

Acronym / Name:GreenSense
Project name:
References:2011 FGR 0121

European Social Fund

The following projects are or were funded by the German “Land” of Thüringen and the European Regional Development Fund (ESF). (Funding period 2014-2020)

European union funding

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A small circuit board with moulded chip.
Acronym / Name:StorAIge
Project name:
References:EU: FKZ 16MEE0155T | BMBF: 16MEE0155T | TMWWDG: 2021 ECS 0003
Acronym / Name:ADMONT
Project name:
Acronym / Name:S4ECoB
Project name:

Funding by the German „Land“ of Thüringen

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A small circuit board with moulded chip.
Acronym / Name:StorAIge
Project name:
References:EU: FKZ 16MEE0155T | BMBF: 16MEE0155T | TMWWDG: 2021 ECS 0003
Acronym / Name:Quantum Hub Thüringen
Project name:
References:2021 FGI 0042
Project name:
REMEDIA – Anschaffung von Geräteinfrastruktur im Vorhaben „Erweiterung der Messtechnik für biomedizinische Applikationen“ (Förderprogramm Richtlinie zur Förderung der Forschung)
References:2018 FGI 0008
Project name:
Anschaffung von Geräteinfrastruktur im Vorhaben „Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf Präzision und elektromagnetische Empfindlichkeit“ (Förderprogramm Richtlinie zur Förderung der Forschung)
References:2018 FGI 0007
Acronym / Name:TSN test lab
Project name:
References:2017 FGI 0006
Acronym / Name:TAB DVD photo diode
Project name:
References:2006 FE 0395

Funding by the DFG (German Research Foundation)

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Funding by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

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Funding by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

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Acronym / Name:INPOS
Project name:
Project name:
Sensorüberwachter Membranreaktor mit drahtloser Schnittstelle für Dialyseprozesse, in-vitro-Proteinsynthese großer Probenvolumina und Zellkultur; Entwicklung von Ausleseelektronik, Energieversorgung und drahtloser Kommunikation inklusive Empfangsschnittstelle auf einem Micro-PC.
Acronym / Name:Indoor swimming pool
Project name:
Acronym / Name:KOSERNA
Project name:
References:50 NA 1405
Acronym / Name:SME Digital
Project name:
Acronym / Name:sMobiliTy
Project name:
Acronym / Name:Current Clamp
Project name:
References:KF2534508 DB2
Acronym / Name:KOMPASSION
Project name:
References:50 NA 1009

Funding by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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A small circuit board with moulded chip.
Acronym / Name:StorAIge
Project name:
References:EU: FKZ 16MEE0155T | BMBF: 16MEE0155T | TMWWDG: 2021 ECS 0003
Acronym / Name:Regional Growth Core HIPS
Project name:
References:03WKDG01E & 03WKDG02H
Acronym / Name:ADMONT
Project name:
Acronym / Name:ANCONA
Project name:
Acronym / Name:MEMS2015
Project name:

Funding by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

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