Research field Smart distributed measurement and test systems
Integrated sensor ICs represent the heart of sensor and measurement systems. These can be wireless sensors, handheld diagnostic devices or high-performance stationary device solutions for machine monitoring, for example.
Challenges of increasingly performant sensors
Increasingly performant sensors and their rapidly expanding number lead to immense amounts of data, which are ever more pushing previous technologies to their limits when it comes to transmitting, processing and using them. Therefore, it will be necessary to design systems for sensing, measuring and testing in such a way that they can validate, process and evaluate data automatically in the future. We intend to achieve this by directly incorporating intelligence into the devices. Interconnecting these systems creates the possibility of distributing the tasks in the network. However, new challenges arise in the form of dynamic aspects due to network protocols and changing tasks over time.
In this research field, we therefore focus on three questions
- How can sensor data be automatically processed into usable information as close as possible to the point of origin in a fast, cost-effective and energy-efficient way?
- What additional information can be obtained with the help of distributed sensor systems?
- How can such a system be modelled based on different subsystems in order to evaluate energy requirements, the optimal distribution of functionalities in the network and the influence of topology decisions?
Dr.-Ing. Tino Hutschenreuther
Head of System Design
tino.hutschenreuther(at) (0) 3677 874 93 40
Dr. Tino Hutschenreuther will answer your questions on our research in Smart distributed measurement and test systems and the related core topics Analysis of distributed IoT systems, Embedded AI and Real-time data processing and communications, on the lead applications Adaptive edge AI systems for industrial application and IoT systems for cooperative environmental monitoring as well as on the range of services for the development of embedded systems.
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Dr. Alexander Maier, Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
“We very much appreciate not only the sound, practical engineering knowledge of the IMMS staff concerning Industry 4.0-compatible protocols and systems but also the personal contact and the constructive manner of IMMS’ collaboration. And so we shall be delighted if we can tackle upcoming subjects together.”
Friedrich Becker, TURCK Electronics GmbH
“With its experience in the spheres of signal processing and integrating communications and systems for industry, IMMS contributed significantly to the execution of the science which the partners in Chemnitz and Offenburg derived from theoretical principles in cable diagnostics and communications interfaces.”
Dirk-Hendrik John, Software-Service John GmbH
“From our point of view, the design IMMS came up with for the architecture was in itself convincing. Further, we were impressed by its support in integrating our application with the MQTT standard. Both during the ongoing joint field test in Jena and during the entire project period, IMMS staff were always readily available with prompt support if questions or problems arose.”
Dr. Katja Nicolai, IL Metronic
“From my point of view, the numerous outcomes, many of them already validated by demonstrators, speak for themselves. These wireless solutions with their energy self-sufficiency are blazing the trail for quick, cheap and easy retrofitting. I envisage their use not only in manufacturing processes but in other areas such as transport and logistics.”
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