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About us: Our goal is the market success of our partners

We connect science and industry

We support companies in launching internationally successful innovations for health, the environment and industry and provide solutions from the feasibility study to series production. We strengthen enterprises with application-oriented research and development in microelectronics, systems engineering and mechatronics and transfer the results of basic research into applications and products.

To achieve this, we cooperate closely with universities such as Ilmenau TU and with industrial partners, and are involved in networks and competence clusters. We supervise around 30 students each year. We enable them to start their careers in industry and applied research with sound methodological knowledge and involvement in practice, and also strengthen the companies in the region in this way.


We connect the digital to the analog world

We create innovative industrial solutions for intelligent sensor and measurement systems as well as high-precision drive systems. With application-oriented developments, we open up high-performance solutions for digitalisation and miniaturisation, which are the key to new applications.

For example, we are working on sensor systems for in-vitro diagnostics that enable individual, decentralised health monitoring for everyone with rapid electronic tests, and on adaptive edge AI systems to enable AI on low-consumption embedded systems in industry and to network them in real time. 

We were founded in 1995 as a Land-owned company of the German Land of Thüringen and we are an affiliated institute of Ilmenau TU. We work with a team of around 90 people at our headquarters in Ilmenau and at the institute’s branch office in Erfurt.


Out of a shared concern for the state of democracy in our country, organisations and individuals from all over Thuringia are getting involved with »Weltoffenes Thüringen«:

We stand for a Thuringia that is open to the world.

Organigram of IMMS. Photograph: Kvalifik, Unsplash.

About us


Here you will find our organisation chart, information on the Institute’s management, our departments, our supervisory board and our scientific advisory board, as well as contact details.

About us


Wherever possible, we draw in regionally available technologies into our research and thus contribute to the networking of companies, with the aim of exploiting the innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises.

About us


We involve innovative, certified manufacturing partners to cover the value chain in R&D projects. You will also find an overview of our project partners from science and industry and information on how you can become a partner.

About us

Encouragement of young academics

It is one of our highest priorities to bring on the new blood in science. The fact that we network so closely with industry provides young scientists with the opportunity to work on subjects of practical relevance where the results really matter.

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Technical equipment

We use state-of-the-art technology for our R&D work. Among other things, we are permanently expanding our technical laboratory and equipment infrastructure to remain competitive in the international scientific environment.

About us


In Ilmenau, we research Magnetic 6D direct drives with nm precision and Smart distributed measurement and test systems. At our Erfurt branch office, we focus on Integrated sensor systems.

About us


Here you will find a few figures on IMMS.

About us


Find out more about basic funding from the Land of Thüringen and publicly funded research projects.

About us


Here you can find out more on topics such as good scientific practice, equality, public procurement and public corporate governance.