A team of students, PhD students and researchers from TU Ilmenau and IMMS won first place in the EDA Competition Award on 22 July 2021. Photograph: IMMS.
We are very proud of the work of our colleagues and are delighted with the awards listed here for their innovations and publications at international conferences.
iENA silver medal for "Observer of atoms - Method for sub-nm precise control of coupled over-actuated positioning systems"
Alex S. Huaman
iENA silver medal for “Circuit configuration to provide the charging energy for a level change on a signal bus, method for the calibration and signal transmission system”
Georg Gläser
Silicon Science Award for the work on “Time-correlated single-photon counting for time domain characterisation of high-speed light sources using programmable logic devices”
Jakob Hampel
Nomination for the XXVth Innovation Award Thüringen 2022 in the „Industry and Material“ category: Scalable ultrasonic and volume-flow sensor platform for optimising energy efficiency in industry
IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH (IMMS GmbH)
iENA bronze medal for: “Microelectromechanical Acceleration Sensor”
Steffen Michael
iENA bronze medal for “Seal configuration for an interferometer route partially arranged in vacuum”
Steffen Hesse
1st Place – EDA Competition Award für den Beitrag: Trash or Treasure? Machine-learning based PCB layout anomaly detection with AnoPCB
Henning Franke
Best Paper Award für den Beitrag: Picometer-Scale Positioning of a Linear Drive System via Feedforward-Feedback Control
Alex S. Huaman
Silver Leaf Award für den Beitrag: Design of a Capacitive Humidity Sensor Frontend with an Adaptive Resolution for Energy Autonomous Applications