Project MUSIK
IMMS has investigated, modelled and validated MEMS characteristics to develop basic blocks for a universally applicable method for MEMS design.
The MUSIK research group has worked on the amplifying, controlling, oscillating and switching properties of MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) to design MEMS in conjunction with the electronics for radio frequency circuits and systems. One aim was to achieve a universally applicable design method which will abolish the technological discrepancy between conventional MEMS design methods and computer-aided, model-based circuit design methods which are currently used for ASICs. Another aim was to create an entire system from the innovative SiCer material.
IMMS investigated and modelled the properties of MEMS to formulate the basic building blocks of a universal MEMS design methodology. Library elements were developed which formed the basis of the component and system simulations carried out in the project. FEM was used to examine the components, then they were described analytically and incorporated as a behavioural model in a start-to-finish design flow. One of the foci of the IMMS research was the basic blocks for an RF MEMS switch, an RF MEMS resonator and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators for BAW filters made on the SiCer platform used in the project.
The results for individual MEMS components have been used for the entire system examination. IMMS has transferred the models for typical components, adapted them to the new SiCer bonded substrate and extended their usability to include thermal effects and certain non-linear properties.
Acronym / Name:
MUSIK / Multiphysical Synthesis and Integration of Complex RF CircuitsDuration:2012 – 2015 (Phase 1), 2016 – 2018 (Phase 2)
Project website:MUSIK
|MEMS DesignResearch field:
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Dr.-Ing. Ludwig Herzog
Head of Mechatronics
ludwig.herzog(at) (0) 3677 874 93 60
Dr. Ludwig Herzog will provide detail on our research on magnetic 6D direct drives with nm precision for the nm measurement and structuring of objects. He supports you with services for the development of mechatronic systems, for simulation, design and test of MEMS as well as for finite element modelling (FEM) and simulation.
IMMS was a supported member of the FOR 1522 MUSIK research group and was funded by the DFG (German Research Council) within the sub-project 5 under the reference SCHA771/2-1 and SCHA771/2-2.