Encouragement of young academics
It is one of our highest priorities to bring on the new blood in science. We are active in pursuit of this goal, inspiring and supporting undergraduate and Master’s students of the engineering sciences in particular by supervising internships and dissertations for BSc and MSc. The fact that we network so closely with industry provides the new generation of scientists with the opportunity to work on subjects of practical relevance where the results really matter. Thus, we impart theoretic in-depth knowledge of methods for an early combination with a practical implementation in applications. For fundamental education purposes various lectures and seminars are hold by IMMS staff at Ilmenau University of Technology. Moreover, we offer training courses and guided tours of the establishment. School pupils, too, are given insight into our work by means of events and internships or by having their coursework supervised by professionals of the Institute.
Information on supervised disciplines as well as current topics and supervision offers for specialised internships, Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found in the Careers section.
For example, we accompany offers for the Summer University of the Ilmenau TU and regularly organise BarCamps on the topic of electronic design automation. Students also take part in these interactive and open research meetings.
Our internationally competitive industrial-standard infrastructure for design support and laboratory technology for electronic and mechatronic systems is also available for student research work.
Betriebswirt (VWA) Mario Görlach
Head of Administration
mario.goerlach(at)imms.de+49 (0) 3677 874 93 05
Mario Görlach takes care of all career-related questions, i.e. the application process for announced positions and speculative applications as well as contracts for internships, jobs and BSc/MSc subjects.