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2nd edaBarCamp

Date, Type of contribution, Location:
,Workshop,RBZ, Reutlingen


We are happy to invite you to: edaBarCamp 21 -- Get access to half the truth!

The 2nd edaBarCamp will be on 05./06. July 2017 at Robert Bosch Zentrum für Leistungselektronik (RBZ), Oferdinger Straße 50, 72768 Reutlingen, Germany (Google Maps POI).

In order to present and substantially discuss conceptual ideas and results of our ongoing scientific work, we invite researchers from the area of electronic design automation (EDA) for microelectronic and embedded systems to an open barcamp event.

Detached from formal event structures, we will interactively propose, exchange and jointly develop our methodological approaches and innovations. Meeting and discussing on a par with each other, your individual work and interests can and will benefit from the others: The edaBarCamp offers exactly this space.

To prepare edaBarCamp, we kindly ask you to propose your session-ideas in advance in our session proposal forum. Joining our open web forum you have the opportunity to read and discuss all session proposals and that way to provide clues about the possible session topics.

We are looking forward to you and your proposals!

Your edaBarCamp-Team
Georg, Dieter, Kim and Gregor

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Dipl.-Hdl. Dipl.-Des. Beate Hövelmans

Head of Corporate Communications

beate.hoevelmans(at) (0) 3677 874 93 13

Beate Hövelmans is responsible for the text and image editorial work on this website, for the social media presence of IMMS on LinkedIn and YouTube, the annual reports, for press and media relations with regional and specialist media and other communication formats. She provides texts, photographs and video material for your reporting on IMMS, arranges contacts for interviews and is the contact person for events.
