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Digitalisierung im Mittelstand 2023

Date, Type of contribution, Location:

1) Smarte Sensorik für Smart Cities

2) Smarte Sensorik für Land- und Forstwirtschaft

3) KI in smarter Sensorik


1) Silvia Krug, IMMS, und Daniel Schultheiß, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Ilmenau

2) Silvia Krug, IMMS, und Jörg Weber, Orbit Sensorfusion GmbH

3) Sebastian Uziel, IMMS

Thementage Digitalisierung im Mittelstand 2023 | Teil 4: Sensorik/ Smarte Sensorsysteme
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In thurAI, IMMS is working on sensor technology for SmartCity and methods to intelligently process data in the network for AI evaluations.

Fruit dendrometer (ripe apple clamped in a metal construction) on a tree.



IMMS is working on autonomous modular sensor systems for cost-effective options for data collection in agriculture.


SME Digital

Under the name ”Smart Sensor Systems Model Factory“ we are supporting enterprises in their gradual adoption of Industry 4.0 technology.

A man on a ladder screws a sensor to a lamp post in front of a house.

Press release,

Stadt Ilmenau setzt gemeinsam mit dem IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH (IMMS GmbH) Smart-City-Projekte um

Entwicklungen aus den Projekten thurAI und StadtLärm zum Monitoring von Lampendefekten, Feinstaub und Lärm

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Ilmenauer Straßenlampen auf Sendung mit funkbasiertem Monitoring-System

Erster SmartCity-Testaufbau des IMMS im Projekt thurAI installiert

Press release,

Monitoring von Mikroklima und Trockenstress im Obstbau

IMMS installiert Mikroklimamessnetz beim Lehr- und Versuchszentrum Gartenbau Erfurt

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Gemeinsam durch die Krise: Thüringer Netzwerke starten branchenübergreifende Initiative

Informationen, Förder- und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für KMU in Thüringen

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Lead application

Adaptive edge AI systems for industrial application

We are researching solutions for adaptive edge AI systems to make AI possible on low-consumption embedded systems in industry and to network them in real time.

Service for R&D

Development of embedded systems

We develop embedded systems for you as complete solutions consisting of sensors and actuators, signal processing and communications technology as well as open-loop and closed-loop controls.

Lead application

IoT systems for cooperative environmental monitoring

We are researching energy-efficient solutions for IoT systems to open up new applications for cooperative environmental monitoring, such as in agriculture.

Research field

Smart distributed measurement and test systems

Integrated sensor ICs are the heart of sensor and measurement systems like wireless sensors, stationary or handheld devices. We are researching solutions for ever more powerful sensors with more intrinsic intelligence and task allocation in the network.



Dipl.-Hdl. Dipl.-Des. Beate Hövelmans

Head of Corporate Communications

beate.hoevelmans(at) (0) 3677 874 93 13

Beate Hövelmans is responsible for the text and image editorial work on this website, for the social media presence of IMMS on LinkedIn and YouTube, the annual reports, for press and media relations with regional and specialist media and other communication formats. She provides texts, photographs and video material for your reporting on IMMS, arranges contacts for interviews and is the contact person for events.
