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Sylvo Jäger, microsensys GmbH

Sylvo Jäger, Head of Development, microsensys GmbH Erfurt. Photograph: microsensys.

“For a number of years now, we have been appreciative of our cooperation with IMMS. The Institute is for us an innovative technological partner in our own geographical area, capable of supporting us not only in implementing various development tasks in the ASIC design field but also of coordinating joint projects which benefit from industrial and public subsidy.”

”Microsensys is a developer and manufacturer of RFID software and hardware, which can be used for the checking and optimisation of processes in industrial and medical environments. The focus here is, in particular, on special applications with a need for tailored, extremely well optimised components where sensors are being used.

In the context of the funded project with the short name RoMulus for ’robust multisensors for state monitoring in Industry 4.0 applications’, we have been in close and constructive collaboration with IMMS to develop a flexible UHF RFID frontend ASIC to serve as the basis for manufacturing sensor transponders. Together we went through the demands on the ASIC which would be made by the later product development. Then we put it all into practice in both the analogue and the digital ASIC design. The knowledge that the IMMS development team possessed in the field of low power and sensors provided an excellent foundation for a sophisticated technological solution.

Besides the cooperation that took place in the funded project, there has also been intensive cooperation on the solving of problems arising from the demands of other customer projects. The technology developed in the shared official project and the many intensive discussions are providing a sound basis for indicating possible joint approaches to customers and then putting them into practice.

For a number of years now, we have been appreciative of our cooperation with IMMS. The Institute is for us an innovative technological partner in our own geographical area, capable of supporting us not only in implementing various development tasks in the ASIC design field but also of coordinating joint projects which benefit from industrial and public subsidy. We are looking forward to building on the success we have already had in development, adding joint solutions to future sophisticated problems.“

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Eric Schäfer, M. Sc.

Head of Microelectronics / Branch Office Erfurt

eric.schaefer(at) (0) 361 663 25 35

Eric Schäfer and his team research Integrated sensor systems, especially CMOS-based biosensors, ULP sensor systems and AI-based design and test automation. The results are being incorporated into research on the lead applications Sensor systems for in-vitro diagnostics and RFID sensor technology. It will assist you with services for the development of Integrated circuits and with IC design methods.
