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We will inform you about upcoming talks and presentations at international conferences, about workshops that we regularly offer in Mittelstand-Digital, about the eda-BarCamp series that we co-initiated in 2016, and about events at IMMS.

Current events


SMACD 2021

For reasons of safety we have decided to organize the SMACD and PRIME Conferences 2021 as an online event. This was not an easy decision. However, it gives us greater planning security and the certainty that the conference will take place in any case. This way the authors, speakers, exhibitors and all guests will get to keep their trusted platform for exchange and networking on current topics again 2021.



MetroInd4.0&IoT 2021

2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT


Online-Stammtisch Sensorik 4.0

Diagnoselösungen in der industriellen Anwendung


Think Wireless IoT Day

Think Wireless IoT Day on Healthcare and Security



Immer am zweiten Dienstag im Monat. Veranstalter: Mittelstand 4.0


ICM 2021

International Conference on Mechatronics

Our event series


Events in Mittelstand Digital

As ”Smart Sensor Systems Model Factory“ in the “SME Digital Centre Ilmenau” (Mittelstand Digital), we regularly invite specialists and managersto free regulars’ tables, workshops, lecture events and information days on AI and industry 4.0.


edaBarCamp series

All events and general information on the BarCamp series on electronic design automation that we co-initiated and have been co-organising since 2016.



Dipl.-Hdl. Dipl.-Des. Beate Hövelmans

Head of Corporate Communications

beate.hoevelmans(at) (0) 3677 874 93 13

Beate Hövelmans is responsible for the text and image editorial work on this website, for the social media presence of IMMS on LinkedIn and YouTube, the annual reports, for press and media relations with regional and specialist media and other communication formats. She provides texts, photographs and video material for your reporting on IMMS, arranges contacts for interviews and is the contact person for events.