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Mädchen mit Betreuerin im Rechnerlabor.

Events, 3 April 2025

Girls’Day 2025

Welche Aufgaben hat eigentlich ein Forschungsinstitut und wie sieht der Arbeitstag einer Ingenieurin aus?

Events, 18 February 2025

Jahresauftakt MD & DGQ

Jahresanfangs-Veranstaltung des „Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrums Ilmenau“ mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Qualität (DGQ) zur Digitalisierung in der Qualitätssicherung

The project team of eight people is behind three autonomous robots.

Press release, 15 January 2025

Arbeiten an optimierten Antriebssystemen für autonome mobile Roboter begonnen

Projekt ERA-AMR von MetraLabs und IMMS gestartet

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Symbolic image with parts of a precision drive, a model of a magnetic coil whose data is fed into or generated from an AI visualised as a chip with brain structures.



With the help of virtual sensor technology and AI, it is intended to detect and compensate for disruptive influences on complex mechatronic systems such as high-precision drives with spatial resolution

Forest clearing in the Thuringian Forest with a tree stump and a tree stake with environmental sensors in the foreground.



IMMS develops robust communication solutions and energy-autonomous sensors for monitoring abiotic factors in forest conversion.

Unripe cherry on the tree, clutched by a metal construction.



Future-proof regional fruit growing through systematic data collection (digital twin) and data exchange along the value chain

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We support you from from the concept stage until series maturity

Research field


We conduct research to harness cutting-edge results from science for industry. Through application-oriented developments we strengthen industry's competitiveness with innovations.

Messaufbau für zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenz-Messungen.

Lead application

Lead applications

Our lead applications bridge the gap from research to industry. Based on our research, we develop, for example, sensor systems for in-vitro diagnostics for individual, decentralised health monitoring with electronic rapid tests.

Bildmontage mit Intelligenten Stromzangen und Dienstleistungsflow von der Idee bis zur Fertigungsüberleitung.

Service for R&D

Services for R&D

We provide support during the entire R&D process from concept and design of devices and modules to transfer to industrial production. You can cooperate with us in funded projects or commission services directly.

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Out of a shared concern for the state of democracy in our country, organisations and individuals from all over Thuringia are getting involved with »Weltoffenes Thüringen«:

We stand for a Thuringia that is open to the world.

Our work is funded by

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