euspen 2022
Operation and performance evaluation of vertical nanopositioners for 10 mm stroke in a 3D lift and tilt test setup
S. Hesse [1], M. Katzschmann [1], A. Huaman [1], S. Gorges [1], E. Manske [2]
[1] IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik- Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH (IMMS GmbH)
[2] Institut für Prozessmess- und Sensortechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
Many high-tech applications like in semiconductor industry or metrology require positioning systems for controlled motions on nanometre level. We investigate nanoprecision drivesystems that allow direct driven multi-axis long-stroke motions.
As a functional enhancement to planar nanopositioning systems, vertical nanopositioners are being developed and investigated. These lifting and actuation units (LAU) are arranged in a threefold configuration to allow 3D vertical nanopositioning for translation in z and tilting in φx and φy.
The publication presents our joint investigations with Technische Universität Ilmenau. There, we focus on characteristics of such a threefold configuration and the simultaneous operation of the three LAU. Special focus lies on the behaviour of the mechanical system, the mutual influence of the different subsystems and the closed-loop performance with subnanometer position stability over the entire vertical travel range. Towards this end, an RMS servo error below 0.4 nm was achieved together with very low required actuator currents.
This confirms the choosen approach for vertical actuation. It marks an important intermediate step towards a full 6D drivesystem implementation as basis for our research and development for nanofabrication.
Zugehörige Inhalte
Das IMMS arbeitet an Lösungen für ein hochdynamisches Antriebssystem zur mehrachsigen Bearbeitung von Objekten mit Nanometer-Präzision.
Ready for Take-off – Vertikalantrieb für die 3D-Nanofertigung vorgestellt
IMMS-Doktorand verteidigt Promotion im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg NanoFab
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Dipl.-Hdl. Dipl.-Des. Beate Hövelmans
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beate.hoevelmans(at) (0) 3677 874 93 13
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