Publikationsübersicht –ANCONA
From Constraints to Tape-Out: Towards a Continuous AMS Design Flow
Andreas Krinke1. Tilman Horst1. Georg Gläser2. Martin Grabmann2. Tobias Markus3. Benjamin Prautsch4. Uwe Hatnik4. Jens Lienig1.A. Krinke et al., 2019 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24 - 26 April 2019, pp. 1-10.
1Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Electromechanical and Electronic Design, Dresden, Germany. 2IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 3Heidelberg University, ZITI, Computer Architecture Group, Heidelberg, Germany. 4Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, Institute for Integrated Circuits, Dresden, Germany.From Low-Power to No-Power: Adaptive Clocking for Event-Driven Systems
Georg Gläser1. Benjamin Saft1. Dominik Wrana2. Arthanasios Gatzastras2. Eckhard Hennig2.2018 Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL), Garching, 10-12 September 2018, pp. 5-16.
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Reutlingen University Reutlingen, Germany.Impact Rating of Layout Parasitics in Mixed-Signal Circuits: Finding a Needle in a Haystack
Georg Gläser1. Martin Grabmann1. Dirk Nuernbergk2.2018 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Prague, 2-5 July 2018, pp. 149-152.
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Melexis GmbH, Erfurt, Germany.There is a limit to everything: Automated AMS Operating condition check Generation on System Level
Georg Gläser1. Martin Grabmann1. Gerrit Kropp1. Andreas Fürtig2.Integration, Volume 63, 2018, Pages 383-391, ISSN 0167-9260, DOI:
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany.System-Level Operating Condition Checks: Automated Augmentation of VerilogAMS Models
Georg Gläser1. Martin Grabmann1. Gerrit Kropp1. Andreas Fürtig2.CDNLive EMEA 2018, 7-9 May 2018, München
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany.System-Level Operating Condition Checks: Automated Augmentation of VerilogAMS Models
Georg Gläser1. Martin Grabmann1. Gerrit Kropp1. Andreas Fürtig2.2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 19-23 March 2018, Dresden, Germany
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany.Anknüpfungspunkte für das Clusterforschungsprojekt ANCONA – Ideen der Projektpartner zur Überführung in die industrielle Anwendung
Georg Gläser1. Andreas Fürtig2. Markus Olbrich3. Gregor Nitsche4. Fabian Speicher5. Christoph Grimm6.Newsletter edacentrum 01/02 2017, 2. Dezember 2017
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany. 3Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 4OFFIS, Institute for Information Technology, Germany. 5Chair of Integrated Analog Circuits, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. 6Design of Cyber-Physical Systems, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany.Knowing your A/MS system's Limit: System Acceptance Region Exploration by using Automated Model Refinement and Accelerated Simulation
Georg Gläser1. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee2. Markus Olbrich2. Erich Barke2.In: Fummi F., Wille R. (eds) Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 454. Springer, Cham, 2017, DOI:
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.Parasitic Symmetry at a Glance: Uncovering Mixed-Signal Layout Constraints
Georg Gläser1. Benjamin Saft1. Ralf Sommer1.FAC 2017, Frontiers in Analog CAD, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, 21-22 July 2017, pp. 1-6.
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany.Automated Generation of System-Level AMS Operating Condition Checks: Your Model’s Insurance Policy
Georg Gläser1. Martin Grabmann1. Gerrit Kropp1. Andreas Fürtig2.2017 14th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Giardini Naxos, 12-15 June 2017, pp. 1-4. DOI:
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany.Comparing Apples and Oranges: Evaluating Model-Coverage using Acceptance Regions
Martin Grabmann1. Georg Gläser1.2017 14th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Giardini Naxos, 12-15 June 2017, pp. 1-4, DOI:
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany.Novel Metrics for Analog Mixed-Signal Coverage
Andreas Fürtig1. Georg Gläser2. Christoph Grimm3. Lars Hedrich1. Stefan Heinen6. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee4. Gregor Nitsche5. Markus Olbrich4. Carna Radojicic3. Fabian Speicher6.2017 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS), Dresden, Germany, 19-21 April 2017, pp. 97-102, DOI:
1Institute for Computer Science, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Germany. 2IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 3Design of Cyber-Physical Systems, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany. 4Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 5OFFIS, Institute for Information Technology, Germany. 6Chair of Integrated Analog Circuits, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.Simulation-Driven Impact Analysis of Layout Parasitics in AMS Circuits
Georg Gläser1. Benjamin Saft1. André Jäger1. Martin Grabmann1. Ralf Sommer1.CDNLive, Cadence User Conference 2017, 15-17 May 2017, Munich, Germany
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany.ANCONA - Analog/Mixed-Signal Verifikationsmethoden für die AMS Coverage-Analyse
Andreas Fürtig3. Lars Hedrich3. Georg Gläser2. Ralf Sommer2. Christoph Grimm4. Stefan Heinen6. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee1. Markus Olbrich1. Gregor Nitsche5. Ralf Popp7. Thiyagarajann Purusothaman4. Carna Radojicic4. Fabian Speicher6. Dieter Treytnar7.Newsletter edacentrum 01/02 2016, Seite 05-20
1Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 2IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 3Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany. 4University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. 5OFFIS - Institut für Informatik Oldenburg, Germany. 6RWTH Aachen, Germany. 7edacentrum, Germany.Knowing your A/MS system's Limit: System Acceptance Region Exploration by using Automated Model Refinement and Accellerated Simulation
Georg Gläser1. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee2. Markus Olbrich2. Erich Barke2.Forum on specification & Design Languages, FDL 2016, 14.09.2016 - 16.09.2016, Bremen, Germany
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.Embedded tutorial: Analog-/mixed-signal verification methods for AMS coverage analysis
Erich Barke1. Georg Gläser2. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee1. Markus Olbrich1. Andreas Fürtig3. Lars Hedrich3. Carna Radojicic4. Christoph Grimm4. Fabian Speicher8. Stefan Heinen8. Gregor Nitsche6. Eckhard Hennig5. Wolfgang Nebel7.2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 14-18 March 2016, pp. 1102 - 1111,
1Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 2IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 3Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany. 4University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. 5Reutlingen University, Germany. 6OFFIS - Institut für Informatik Oldenburg, Germany. 7University of Oldenburg and OFFIS, Germany. 8RWTH Aachen, Germany.Identification of Critical Scenarios in AMS Verification: Methodology for Finding the Safe Operating Area of AMS Systems
Georg Gläser1. Hyun-Sek Lukas Lee2. Markus Olbrich2. Erich Barke2. Eckhard Hennig3.2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 14 – 18 March 2016, University Booth, Embedded Tutorial: Analog-/Mixed-Signal Verification Methods for AMS Coverage Analysis, Dresden, Germany
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, Ehrenbergstraße 27, 98693 Ilmenau. 2Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 3Reutlingen University, Germany.Temporal Decoupling with Error-Bounded Predictive Quantum Control
Georg Gläser1. Gregor Nitsche2. Eckhard Hennig3.Languages, Design Methods and Tools for Electronic System Design, Selected Contributions from FDL 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-31722-9, pages 125-150
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, Ehrenbergstraße 27, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2OFFIS - Institut für Informatik Oldenburg, Germany. 3Hochschule Reutlingen, D-72762 Reutlingen, Germany.Temporal Decoupling with Error-Bounded Predictive Quantum Control
Georg Gläser1. Gregor Nitsche2. Eckhard Hennig3.Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2015 Forum on, 14-16 Sept. 2015, Barcelona, Spain, (Best-Paper-Award), DOI:, Print ISBN - IEEE Xplore 978-1-4673-7735-5
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2OFFIS - Institut für Informatik Oldenburg, Germany. 3Hochschule Reutlingen, D-72762 Reutlingen, Germany.Automatic Annotation of Properties to ESL SystemC Models and Accelerated Simulation
Georg Gläser1. Eckhard Hennig2.Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2015 Forum on, 14-16 Sept., Barcelona, Spain
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2Hochschule Reutlingen, D-72762 Reutlingen, Germany.Techniques for Identifying the Analog Coverage
Georg Gläser1. Lukas Lee2.eda-Workshop 2015, 19.05.2015 – 21.05.2015, Dresden, Germany
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2LU Hannover, Germany.FPGA-based Hardware Acceleration of Analog/Mixed-Signal SystemC Models
Georg Gläser1. Eckhard Hennig1. Vojtech Dvorak2.2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 09.03.2015 - 13.03.2015, Grenoble, France
1IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany. 2University of Brno, Czech Republic.